The Hero in My Own Story

The Hero in My Own Story

Many, many moons ago with the rise and fall of the tides, a young woman began the journey of exploring and expressing a truer nature of self. So much of the self was unknown at the time but self reflection reactivates the threads between the here and now and the then...
Quintessential Liberation

Quintessential Liberation

Mother Ganges meets me with an idea, a spark of inspiration endowed with a hint of revolution. The quintessential liberation! A powerful, intense, imbued sense of embodied experience that has the power to release the howler in the night, the siren within, the soul and...
It Ain’t Always Easy

It Ain’t Always Easy

It ain’t always easy being me and I’m sure it’s not always easy being you. It simply isn’t always an easy task to be human. As I look at my life right where I am, this minute, this now, I’m doing okay. I’m trusting the process and...

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