Leading With Love

Leading With Love

Hello and welcome. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be sharing some of life’s curiosities with you and perhaps lend you a helping hand in attuning more deeply to yourself and the world around you. Today’s topic of choice is… Leading With Love.  This...
Quintessential Liberation

Quintessential Liberation

Mother Ganges meets me with an idea, a spark of inspiration endowed with a hint of revolution. The quintessential liberation! A powerful, intense, imbued sense of embodied experience that has the power to release the howler in the night, the siren within, the soul and...
It Ain’t Always Easy

It Ain’t Always Easy

It ain’t always easy being me and I’m sure it’s not always easy being you. It simply isn’t always an easy task to be human. As I look at my life right where I am, this minute, this now, I’m doing okay. I’m trusting the process and...
Intuitive Coaching – What? How? Why?

Intuitive Coaching – What? How? Why?

Intuitive coaching…the very quick sales point with my intuitive coaching sessions is that if you are an individual with a heartfelt desire and genuine focus on self development, then this one is for you. Achieving goals, creating strategies and becoming both...
The Intuitive Counselling Method

The Intuitive Counselling Method

The Intuitive Counselling method is a conscious therapies practice based on the foundational framework of fostering an awareness and embodiment of self that supports the raising of consciousness to ease emotional, mental, and intergenerational pain, anguish and...

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