People Pleasers Are What?

People Pleasers Are What?

The other day I read these words…“People pleasers are trying to control how other people see them”…and if I am to be genuine with myself and with you, the words stung and have been ruminating through the thicket of my mind ever since. You see, I am a people pleaser...
The Hero in My Own Story

The Hero in My Own Story

Many, many moons ago with the rise and fall of the tides, a young woman began the journey of exploring and expressing a truer nature of self. So much of the self was unknown at the time but self reflection reactivates the threads between the here and now and the then...
Those Insecure Feelings

Those Insecure Feelings

Insecurities are those feelings that we have that are diminishing and oppressive to our very way of being and experiencing the world around us, including the relationships we have with others. When we have those insecure feelings, we are not necessarily thinking or...

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