Expressions of Self Love Accelerated

An accelerated, integrative coaching and counselling program assisting you to break through limiting self-beliefs and encouraging you to rewrite the internal script of your self-love story. Create synergy within your body, heart, mind and soul by synthesizing and embodying a self-loving belief system.

“Improve your love of self and you improve your self-belief, your self-worth, and you improve your life.”

Why Me?

Why would I be a good fit for you?

If there is one theme in my life that powers my passion for working with people, it is knowing the pain of not loving yourself.

As someone who has consistently navigated, and traversed life through a haze of self-loathing internalisations, I’ve come to know the restorative power of cultivating and growing a healthy love of self. I am passionate about easing the impact and resolving dysfunctional and painful perceptions of self with others as I know what it means to move from loathing to loving and all that is between.
It is my lived experience, unique insight, and compassionate heart that make me a good fit for anyone willing to break the cycle and unlock love.

With integrative coaching and counselling methods, and person-centred, holistic and systemic approaches underpinning most of my work, I look forward to assisting, contributing and facilitating the revival of self-love and transforming your life from surviving it to thriving in it.

About the sessions…

Session 1 will focus on the Physical Self and how your express or don’t express, self-love to your physical body and appearance.


Session 2 will focus on the Emotional Self, getting to know the way you feel about yourself from an emotional viewpoint, including how well you navigate your emotional states of being.

Session 3 will focus on the Shadow Self, specifically learning to honour, love and support those aspects of yourself expression that may not be so ‘pretty’.

Session 4 focuses on the Relational Self, exploring and unearthing how you relate to yourself and others, leading you to further develop ways to support your growth, love and acceptance of self.

Session 5 will focus on tying the aspects of your self-expression and love together, leading to developing an action plan to further develop supportive practices that will value your entire body and being.

NOTE: Using the booking page confirms your payment and first session.

The following sessions will be booked manually at the end of the first session.

Conscious Therapies Perspective

Conscious therapies and self-love are about raising consciousness to improve the quality of your self-belief, self-worth and life.

With the simple mission of raising consciousness to ease emotional, mental and intergenerational pain, anguish and struggles, helping others revive their lives through processes of change influenced by a healing revolution of self-awareness, family awareness and generational awareness is what generational healing is about. Conscious therapies focus on developing and raising awareness of your deepest thoughts, feelings and beliefs, as a person or group of people so that there is full and total awareness in responding and contributing healthily to one’s surroundings and situations.

In disrupting current behaviours, beliefs, thoughts and attitudes, you change the way you experience life and empower your own healing, progress, development and growth beyond non-supportive, non-loving, unconstructive ways.

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